Monday, 6 March 2017

Monday, 6 March

Paxton Pits - RING-NECKED DUCK, pair Red-crested Pochard, Scaup, Green Sandpiper (Martin Davies)

Wicken Fen - Short-eared Owl (Kevin Wilson)

Cambridge - 12 WAXWING at Trumpington still 15:00h (Doug Radford); 3 WAXWING by guided busway near Orchard Park 09:00h (Pete Gilhead)

Fen Drayton Lakes - GreatWhite Egret, 30+ Goldeneye, Curlew, Peregrine, 3 Caspian Gull (Steve Cooper)


AW said...

Are the ring necked duck and red crested Pochards in the main nature reserve area at Paxton pits? Thanks

Unknown said...

I've not seen her myself but the reports on CamBirds say she is on the New Workings. MarkJ