Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Wednesday, 16 March

Ouse Washes RSPB - BLACK-NECKED GREBE from Cadbury Hide, WAXWING (Mike Burdekin)

Cambridge - c.20 WAXWINGS in Purbeck Road 08:40h (Alison Edwards); WAXWINGS in Herbert Street still 09:00h (Hugh Venables); 42 WAXWINGS by Mill Road railway bridge 10:15h (Stuart Sharp); 20 WAXWINGS at The Panton Arms 12:30h (Bob Mansfield)

St. Neots - c.20 WAXWINGS by the Tan Yard CP at 12:00h (Paul Lippett)

Fen Drayton Lakes - 5 Sand Martins, 2 male Red-crested Pochards, Goosander, 2 Cetti's Warblers, 2 ad Yellow-legged Gulls (Jacqui Miller, Andy Cotton)

Clayhithe - 2 Barn Owls, Short-eared Owl nearby (Siamon Clark)

Bar Hill - 2 Grey Wagtails (Ken Hook)

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