Monday, 7 March 2011

Monday, 7 March

Cambridge WAXWINGS - on Madingley Road, c.25 near Lady Margaret Road and 2 near Wilberforce Road (Rob Pople, Ben Phalan); 2 at Milton Road / Herbert Street junction 10:30h (Jeff Stenning); 16 at Panton Street 15:50h (Mike Foley)

Bradley Fen Lake - 11 Whooper Swans (Brian Stone)

Chesterton - c.101 Bewick's Swans over north-west 07:45h (Brian Stone)

Godmanchester - 60+ WAXWINGS on London Road 14:00h (Roger Orbell)

Morborne Hill - fem Merlin nearby, also 25+ Buzzards, Woodcock and Tree Sparrow in the Haddon/Morborne area (Don Gardener)

Fen Drayton Lakes - 3 Smew, Cetti's Warbler, 2 Barn Owls (Jacqui Miler)

Grafham Water - 3rd winter ICELAND GULL off sailing club this evening (Colin Addington)

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