Friday, 29 April 2022

Friday, 29 April

Berry Fen - BLUE-WINGED TEAL still, Garganey, Swift, Hobby, Garden Warbler (James Hanlon)

Ferry Meadows - Hobby (Matt Webb); Cuckoo (Paul Gallagher)

Paxton Pits - 2 RING OUZEL, 6 Nightingale (John Hoppett)

Grafham Water - Bar-tailed Godwit, Whinchat (Colin Addington)

Cambridge - Nightingale at Coldham's Common still, in hawthorn thicket on east side of the railway line about 100m south from blue footbridge (Andrew Dobson)

Ouse Fen - 4 Swift, 3 Hobby (Rowena Baxter)

Maxey pits - 7 Arctic Tern (Chris Lines)

Ferry Meadows - WHITE STORK over A47/A1260 junction nearby (Mark Hawkes)

Fowlmere - escaped male Eider, from Dernford collection (Ade Cooper)

RSPB Hope Farm, Knapwell - RING OUZEL through, Wheatear (Derek Gruar)

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