Friday, 25 March 2022

Friday, 25 March

Nene washes - drake GREEN-WINGED TEAL in flooded field immediately  north of Eldernell CP this morning (Mike Weedon); fem Hen Harrier (Howard Butler); WHITE STORK of unknown origin over (Hugh Wright)

Burwell Fen - fem Garganey, Whooper Swan, Swallow (Andy Hannaford)

Kingfishers Bridge - male Hen Harrier, Little Gull (Sue Greenway) 

Fowlmere - 4 Garganey (Terry Brown)

Lanbeach - GLOSSY IBIS over Wort's Meadow this morning(as per Ian Burfield)

Ouse Washes - 6 Garganey, 170 Whooper Swan, Great Egret (Mark Ward)

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