Saturday, 12 December 2020

Saturday, 12 December

Aldreth - DUSKY WARBLER, though extremely elusive. Not quite at The Boot this morning - it's literally just out of the village, in the area around the first bridge (Richard Patient)

Earith sluice - 3 GLOSSY IBIS by the bridge (Mark Hawkes)

Sutton - 8 White-fronted Geese just to the south-west (Mark Hawkes)

Willingham - 4 Cattle Egret at West Fen (Stu Elsom, Richard Bayldon)

Pidley - WHITE STORK of unknown origin on the golf course, viewable from public footpath from Fen Road (John Wright)

Wimpole Hall - Tundra Bean Goose, 2 White-fronted Geese, 2 Raven, 6 Mandarin (Ade Cooper)

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