Thursday, 10 August 2017

Thursday, 10 August

Fen Drayton Lakes - Greta White Egret (Luke Wake)

Burwell Fen - 9 Greenshank, 3 Green sandpiper, 29 Little Egret, Hobby (Andy Hannaford)

Ouse Fen - juv PURPLE HERON briefly 20:30h, before going to roost Needingworth Quarry Lakes, on the island at TL365733, most easily viewed from the east side of the lake at TL367734.  Also Great White Egret (Richard Thomas)

Kingfishers Bridge - Great White Egret, CATTLE EGRET which flew south along the Cam at dusk (Kathleen Rosewarne, Ian Barton)

Ouse Washes - groups of 3 and 13 Crane (Mike Burdekin)

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