Sunday, 27 November 2016

Sunday, 27 November

Paxton Pits - Great White Egret, 4 Whooper Swans (Martin Davis)

Eldernell - 2 LAPLAND BUNTING, 16 Common Crane (Andrew Gardener); distant CATTLE EGRET (Brain Stone)

March Farmers - 4 PINK-FOOTED GEESE, 300 Whooper Swan, 40 Bewick's Swan, Short-eared Owl (Matt Webb)

Prior's Fen - c.300 Whopper Swan, c.10 Bewick's Swan (Mike Weedon)

Grafham Water - Great Northern Diver (Jamie Wells)

Burwell Fen - Water Pipit, 9 Short-eared Owl (Malcolm Ausden)

Lark Rise Farm, Barton - 3 Short-eared Owl (Vince Lea)

Sutton Gault - 25 Water Pipit to roost, 65 Corn Bunting, 10 Bewick's Swan, 430 Whooper Swan (Brendan Doe)

May Farm, Littleport - fem Marsh Harrier green wing-tag P4. Hatched at Haddiscoe, Great Yarmouth in 2015 (only female from clutch of 3 - the 2 males have not been recorded since). Has then been seen near Cardiff, then Otmoor RSPB near Oxford, then Clacton, then Isle of Sheppey and Cley in April of this year (Steve Mumford, Stella Laughton, Nick Laughton).

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