Friday, 26 September 2014

Friday, 26 September

Ouse Fen - DOTTEREL with Golden Plover at c.TL386727 (Richard Thomas)

Stretham - Fieldfare over west (Owen Marks)

Nene Washes - Corncrake & Quail flushed whilst cutting rank vegetation at March Farmers. Also 9 Crane, 2 Short-eared Owl in the area (Jonathan Taylor)

Paxton Pits - Black-necked Grebe still (Jamie Wells)

Haddenham/Aldreth - 1000+ Lapwing along each of Long Drove and Ewell Fen (Paul Mason)

Baker's Fen - GREAT WHITE EGRET, GLOSSY IBIS, Hobby (James Hanlon)

Burwell Fen - GREAT WHITE EGRET, Wood Sandpiper, Little Stint, 35 Golden Plover, 10+ Ketsrel, Whinchat, 3 Stonechat (James Hanlon)

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