Friday, 7 January 2011

Friday, 7 January

Cambridge - 2 Peregrines over the Addenbrooke's site c.13:00h (Sarah Howlett); c.70 WAXWINGS by the Panton Arms in Panton Street (Carlos Davies); 70 WAXWINGS north over Victoria Road 13:30h (Christoph Zockler); Peregine near the Catholic church on Lensfield Road (John Hoppett)

Cuckoo's Hollow - 29 Goosanders (John Saunders)

Grafham Water - 2 WAXWINGS, imm. male Scaup, 5 Redpolls (Dean Harlow); Short-eared Owl (Colin Addington)

Huntingdon - 60+ WAXWINGS at Tesco's car park just before 12:00h (Mike Everett)

Fordham - 2 WAXWINGs briefly (David Collins)

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