Friday 28 June 2024

Friday, 28 June

Smithy Fen - pair of BLACK-WINGED STILT reported this morning; still present 16:00h (Mark Hawkes)

Paxton Pits - 6 Green sandpiper, 4 Avocet (Terry brown)

Ouse Washes - 24 Great Egret nests this year (Jonathan Taylor)

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Tuesday, 25 June

Berry Fen - BLACK-WINGED STILT (Rich Atkins)

Monday 24 June 2024

Sunday, 23 June

Little Wilbraham Fen - Turtle Dove (Martin Welbank)

Heydon area - 76 Raven (Steve Cooper)

Etton Pits - Curlew (Chris Lines)

Saturday, 22 June

Etton Pits - pair of BLACK-WINGED STILT (Hugh Wright)

Ouse Washes - Black Tern on Cadbury pool (Ade Cooper); 60 Great Egret, 70 Little Egret, 22 Cattle Egret, 5 Bittern along the washes (Steve Cooper)

Thursday, 21 June

Wimpole Hall - 2 Spotted Flycatcher (Ed Gill)

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Wednesday, 19 June

Maxey Pits - Short-eared Owl, 6 Red-crested Pochard, Wellow Wagtail, Grey Wagtail, 2 Green Sandpiper, 2 Barnacle Geese (Chris Lines)

Toft - Green Sandpiper on Bourn Brook (Ed Gill)

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Tuesday, 18 June

Burwell - 2 Curlew over (Christoph Zöckler)

Maxey Pits - 2 Greenshank, Avocet reported

Monday 17 June 2024

Monday, 17 June

Dernford Reservoir - Hobby (Stephen Dutton)

Burwell Fen -  2 Curlew (Chris Brown)

Eldernell - Glossy Ibis (Charlie Kitchin)

Sunday 16 June 2024

Sunday, 16 June

Lockspits Mere - GREAT REED WARBLER, 2 Hobby, 3 Cuckoo, Bittern, Crane, Barn Owl (Tracey Graves)

Colne Fen GP - FERRUGINOUS DUCK viewed from bridleway at TL388777 (Steve Cooper)

Whittlesey High Wash - Wood Sandpiper, Egyptian Goose (Charlie Kitchin)

Thursday, 13 June

 Castor Hanglands - 3 Crossbill, Siskin reported

Sunday 9 June 2024

Sunday, 9 June

 Fortrey's Hall, Ouse Washes - BLACK-WINGED STILT (Brendan Doe)

Saturday, 8 June

Ouse Fen - GREAT REED WARBLER singing but not showing in the wind, Grasshopper Warbler, Hobby, Cuckoo, Bearded Tit (Nath Comber); also fem Goldeneye (Ade Cooper)

Fortrey's Hall, Ouse Washes - BLACK-WINGED STILT, also 3 Garganey, Black Tern (Brendan Doe)

Friday 7 June 2024

Friday, 7 June

Ouse Fen - GREAT REED WARBLER still showing (Bob Grice)

Impington - Cattle Egret over the village college 09:30h (David Nation)

Monday 3 June 2024

Monday, 3 June

Waterbeach - White Stork over south 11:05-11:10h, no ring apparent (Ian Burfield); Turtle Dove at the Research Park (Martin Coxton)

Wicken Fen - 3 Cuckoo; also 4 Garganey on Bakers Fen (Kevin Wilson)

Sunday 2 June 2024

Sunday, 2 June

Ouse Fen - GREAT REED WARBLER still showing (Andy Clements)

Saturday, 1 June

Ouse Fen - GREAT REED WARBLER still showing well (Jeremy Lindsell)

White Fen - Cuckoo, Cetti's Warbler, 3 Willow Warbler (Kevin Wilson)