Thursday 17 October 2024

Thursday, 17 October

Furtherford, Over - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER (Richard Grimmett)

Ouse Fen - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER at west end of Cuckoo Drove (Steve Hutchinson); imm. PURPLE HERON in flight 11:00h (David Bradley)

Ferry Meadows - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER by Willow Bridge (Don Gardener)

Clopton - 80 Redwing ringed & 800 over north-west, Short-eared Owl through (Mark Thomas)

Fulbourn - Raven over New Shardlows Farm (Kevin Wilson)

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Wednesday, 16 October

Ferry Meadows - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER (Paul Bolton)

Cambridge - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER heard at Nightingale Park (Guy Belcher)

Devil's Dyke - 1270 Redwing over south-west, also Fieldfare, 12 Golden Plover, Hobby (Richard Dale)

Grafham Water - Opsrey reported

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tuesday, 15 October

Kingfishers Bridge - 19 Whooper Swan, 4 Swallow (Kevin Wilson)

Monday 14 October 2024

Monday, 14 October

Hare Park - 2 Brambling (Kevin Wilson)

Sutton Gault - 2 Swallow through (Rob Partridge)

Grunty Fen - Woodcock over Pools Road 19:30h (David Nation) 

Milton CP - Osprey (Jon Heath)

Sunday 13 October 2024

Sunday, 13 October

Ferry Meadows - 2 YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER near Teal Hide picnic bench (Mike Weedon)

Fowlmere RSPB - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER along the plastic boardwalk but highly mobile (Ade Cooper)

Grafham Water - 4 Whooper Swan (Mark Hawkes)

Ouse Fen RSPB, Bearded Tit, Stonechat, 20 Cattle Egret reported

Saturday 12 October 2024

Saturday, 12 October

Ferry Meadows - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER reported

Earith - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER with Long-tailed Tits (Graham Hirons)

Fowlmere RSPB - YELLOW-BROWED WARBLER (Doug Radford)


Grafham Water - fem/imm Scaup, with drake Scaup-hybrid (Mark Hawkes)

Chippenham Fen - Jack Snipe, 70 Siskin, 170 Redwing over (Richard Dale)

Ouse Washes, Sutton Gault - 19 Whooper Swan (Rachel Lennard)

Ouse Fen RSPB - 7 Cattle Egret, Stonechat (Simon Passey)

Friday 11 October 2024

Friday, 11 October

Etton/Maxey Pits - 2 GLOSSY IBIS off Green Lane (Paul Bolton)

Histon - 2 Ring-necked Parakeet (David Nation)

Milton CP - Osprey still present, 2 Kingfisher (Ed Gill)

Grafham Water - Osprey near Dudney Hide, Great Egret (Tracey Graves)