Friday, 2 June 2023

Friday, 2 June

Grafham Water - WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN  with 4 Black Tern 08:20h, flock departed 08:30h (Richard Patient); 4 Sanderling, Osprey over (Mark Hawkes)

Paxton Pits - WHITE-WINGED BLACK TERN, 5 Black Tern (m.o.)

Dernford Reservoir - 10 Common Scoter (Jake Reich); 2 Black Tern (Steve Dutton); also drake Garganey, Whimbrel over (Carlos Davies)

Cottenham - Quail singing off Broad Lane, beyond the bridge 08:00-08:30h (Neil Howard)

Chain Corner - White Stork (Tracey Graves)

Berry Fen - Grey Plover (Tracey Graves) 

Ouse Fen - Crane (Tracey Graves)

Etton/Maxey pits - Little Stint, 3 Sanderling (Josh Jones)

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