Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Tuesday, 15 December

Aldreth - DUSKY WARBLER showing exceptionally well in the sunshine at Aldreth at midday in the willows by the bridge at The Boot (Duncan McNiven)

Trumpington Street, Cambridge - Peregrine (Colin Kirtland)

Fen Drayton Lakes - 3 GLOSSY IBIS, 2 Great Egret; 2 Green Sandpiper at Springhill (Dave Anderson)

Earith - 3 GLOSSY IBIS 12:50h (Roger Hardie); departed 15:55h (Duncan McNiven)

Wimpole Hall - Tundra Bean Goose, 2 White-fronted Geese (James Hanlon); Raven, Nuthatch (Steve Dutton)

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