Sunday, 17 March 2019

Sunday, 17 March

Great Fen - male White Wagtail Ladyseat Farm pool, Short-eared Owl at Engine Farm. Short-eared Owl and Green Sand at Great Fen info point along B660 (Steve Dudley)

Ouse Washes - Scaup, 21 Corn Buntings (Brendan Doe)

Earith to Sutton Gault  - 1300 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Avocet, Peregrine (Steve Dudley)

Cottenham, Long Drove - 3rd c.y. Glaucous Gull (Brendan Doe); ad Caspian Gull (Steve Dudley)

Baker's Fen - Short-eared Owl (Norman Ratcliffe)

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