Thursday, 4 December 2014

Thursday, 4 December

Ouse Fen - fem PENDULINE TIT seen at 12.30 today from the RSPB visitor trail viewpoint overlooking the cell 2 reedbed. Feeding on reedmace heads by the ditch margin close to where the digger is working in front of the viewpoint. Quite mobile. (Barry O' Dowd)

Paxton Pits - 1st winter male RING-NECKED DUCK on A1 north,  fem Scaup, Red-crested Pochard, 3 Whooper Swan (Mark Ward)

Holme Fen - ROUGH-LEGGED BUZZARD hunting between Tower Farm and Frog Hall Bridge 09:40h (Steve Dudley)

Cambridge - 4 Bewick's Swan north over the West Cambridge site (Hugh Venables)

Folksworth - male Black Redstart in a private garden (Andy frost)

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