Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Wednesday, 20 February

Nene Washes - 7 Crane behind Holly Tree farm along North bank Road (John Saunders)

Cam Washes - 7 PINK-FOOTED GEESE with the Greylags this morning (Monica & Owen Marks); 14 PINK-FOOTED GEESE late afternoon, 9 Whooper Swan, male Merlin, 10 Little Egret (Steve Cooper)

WAXWINGS today: Greystoke Road, Cambridge (c.30); Greenhaze Lane/Miller Way, Cambourne (16); Longworth Avenue, Chesterton (31); Hemingford Grey (15);

1 comment:

Unknown said...

25 Waxwings, Daisy Close, Kings Hedges, Cambridge..