Barleycraft - LESSER SCAUP still (Keith Honnor)
Parson's Drove - 9 White-fronted Gees, 2500 Pink-footed Geese, also 5 Bewick's Swan with Whooper Swans from the drove, north of Murrow (Josh Jones)
Barleycraft - LESSER SCAUP still (Keith Honnor)
Parson's Drove - 9 White-fronted Gees, 2500 Pink-footed Geese, also 5 Bewick's Swan with Whooper Swans from the drove, north of Murrow (Josh Jones)
Cottenham Long Drove - 2CY GLAUCOUS GULL on the tip (Brendan Doe)
Grafham Water - Great Northern Diver (Andrew Dobson)
Manea - 2591 Pink-footed Geese, 21 Crane just to the morth (Ade Cooper)
Cottenham Long Drove - 2CY GLAUCOUS GULL on the tip (m.o.)
Grafham Water - Great Northern Diver (Matthew Rodgers)
Brampton East Pit - Great Northern Diver (Richard Patient)
Eldernell - ad male Hen Harrier over (Mike Weedon)
Nene Washes - 30 Marsh Harrier to roost just west of Decoy Wood (Mike Weedon)